Daily activities and weekly themes
Our Summer Fitness Camp program allows kids the opportunity to socialize, play, and explore the outdoors. Summer Camp is intended to be a fast-paced and adventurous environment! We offer hiking & biking, lake days, gardening, cooking and other group activities.
$49/day for Members
$59/day for Non-Members
Once a quarter, we like to host a night where parents can drop off their kids and enjoy a bit of child-free time, outside of The Wave facility. These run for 3 hours at a time, and parents can go on a date night, get some shopping done, etc – whatever they’d like to do!
We offer pizza, crafts, free play, gym time, and swimming when possible. Keep your eyes peeled for when we announce the next one!
Safe Sitter Training
Email sara@whitefishwave.com to be contacted once registration opens up.