Swim Lessons
Swim Lessons
The largest indoor public pool in Whitefish offers swimming lessons and aquatic activities year-round for ages 6 months to adults. We all know those first few steps into the water can be tough, so The Wave has staff members on hand who will guide your little one through their first time in the water by demonstrating proper technique and helping them build confidence right away! Teens and adults can enroll in more advanced swimming lessons and aquatic activities at Whitefish’s indoor public pool that match their interests and ability levels.
Swim Lesson Registration
Aqua Tots
Ages 6 Months – 3 Years
This class will familiarize young children with the water and prepare them to learn to swim. Whitefish’s top swimming lesson facility offers this Red Cross approved course. It is not designed to teach children to become good swimmers or to survive in the water on their own. Aqua-Tots gives parents safety information and techniques to help orient their children to the water. It also provides direction regarding how to supervise water activities in a responsible manner.
Ages 3 – 5 Years
Select your child’s level (1, 2 or 3)
- Enter water using ramps, steps or side
- Exit water using ladder, steps or side
- Blow bubbles for 3 seconds
- Blow bubbles for 3 seconds
- Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
- Front glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back float for 3 seconds
- Roll from front to back and back to front
- Arm and hand treading actions
- Alternating and simultaneous leg actions and arm actions on front
- Alternating and simultaneous leg actions and arm actions on back
- Combined arm and leg actions on front
- Combined arm and leg actions on back
- Enter water by stepping in from deck or low height
- Exit water using ladder, steps or side
- Bobbing, 5 times
- Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
- Front glide and recover to a vertical position
- Front float for 3 seconds
- Back glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back float for 5 seconds
- Roll from front to back and back to front
- Tread water using arm and leg actions for 15 seconds
- Combined arm and leg actions on front
- Finning arm action on back
- Combined arm and leg actions on back
- Jump into shoulder-deep water
- Fully submerge and hold breath
- Bobbing, 10 times
- Rotary breathing
- Front glide and recover to a vertical position
- Front, jellyfish and tuck floats for 10 seconds
- Back glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back float for 15 seconds
- Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
- Tread water for 30 seconds
- Combined arm and leg actions on front
- Finning arm action on back
- Combined arm and leg actions on back
Ages 6 and up
Select your child’s level (1, 2 or 3)
- Enter water using a ramp, steps or side
- Exit water using ladder, steps or side
- Blow bubbles for 3 seconds
- Bobbing, 5 times
- Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
- Front glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back float for 5 seconds
- Roll from front to back and back to front
- Treading water arm and hand actions
- Alternating and simultaneous leg and arm actions on front
- Alternating and simultaneous leg and arm actions on back
- Combined arm and leg actions on front
- Combined arm and leg actions on back
- Step or jump from the side into shoulder-deep water
- Exit water using ladder, steps or side
- Fully submerge and hold breath
- Bobbing, 10 times
- Open eyes under water and retrieve submerged objects
- Rotary breathing
- Front, jellyfish and tuck floats for 10 seconds
- Front glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back glide and recover to a vertical position
- Back float for 15 seconds
- Roll from front to back and back to front
- Tread water for 15 seconds
- Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back
- Combined arm and leg actions on front
- Combined arm and leg actions on back
- Finning arm action on back
- Jump into deep water from the side, submerge and return to the side
- Headfirst entry from the side in seated and kneeling positions
- Bobbing while moving to safety
- Rotary breathing
- Survival float for 30 seconds
- Back float for 1 minute
- Tread water for 1 minute
- Change from vertical to horizontal position on front and back
- Push off in streamlined position on front, then begin kicking
- Swim the front crawl for 15 yards
- Swim the elementary backstroke for 15 yards
- Flutter, scissors, breaststroke, and dolphin kicks
- Headfirst entry in compact and stride positions
- Feet first surface dive
- Swim underwater
- Tread water, using 2 different kicks
- Survival swimming for 1 minute
- Front crawl for 25 yards
- Elementary backstroke for 25 yards
- Breaststroke for 1 5 yards
- Back crawl for 1 5 yards
- Butterfly for 1 5 yards
- Sidestroke for 15 yards
- Open turns on the front and back
- Flutter and dolphin kicks on back
- Push off in streamlined position on back, then begin kicking
- Shallow-angle dive into deep water
- Tuck surface dive
- Pike surface dive
- Tread water for 5 minutes
- Tread water, using legs only, for 2 minutes
- Sculling for 30 seconds
- Front crawl for 50 yards
- Elementary backstroke for 50 yards
- Breaststroke for 25 yards
- Back crawl for 25 yards
- Butterfly for 25 yards
- Sidestroke for 25 yards
- Front flip turn
- Backstroke flip turn
Private Lessons and Adult Programs
Have specific goals? Our Red Cross trained swimming instructors can help you with those!
April is adult learn to swim month! We offer FREE Red Cross approved group swimming lessons in Whitefish.
Interested in private lessons or adult programs?
Having Trouble Signing up?
Watch this video to learn more about signing up for swim lessons as a Wave member.